Congolese cuisine belonging from the region of Congo is a cuisine perfectly suited for all since the mixed palette of this cuisine comprises meat, veggies, fish, and chicken! The best part about this cuisine is that most of the food items revolve around farmland products.
One would most often find further ingredients in this cuisine, such as taro, yam, rice, and cassava. All dishes that you might find on a Congolese menu will be full of flavors and spices, both mild and high, according to your preference levels. Following are some of the most loved Congolese dishes!
Congolese Dishes You Should Try Today!
- Saka Saka
A highly popular and extremely delicious Congolese cuisine is Saka Saka. First, the cassava leaves will be cooked before getting incorporated into the rest of the meal, including smoked salmon, peanut butter, and palm oil. There is also plantain & fufu with the Saka.
- Poulet a la Moambe
The national dish of the region of Congo, Poulet a la Moambe, has chicken as the main character. This dish is quite similar to what one would call a chicken stew. It comes with chicken marinated and cooked in palm butter and spices.
This dish is so well-loved among the masses that it has gradually become the national dish of Angola and Gabon. Some other names of this chicken are poulet and nyembwe
- Dabo Kolo
Another famous Congolese dish is the Dabo Kolo. This dish is also considered a finger-fried food delicacy because it is easy to consume. The dish is small cubes of baked bread. The dish initially originated from Ethiopia before it was adapted in Congo.
The Dabo Kolo dish is considered a delicacy found during festive occasions in both Ethiopia and Congo. The taste of the Dabo Kolo offers you glimpses of peanuts, barley, and chickpeas. One can gauge from the ingredients that it is extremely delicious and very healthy.
- Dongo Dongo
The dish’s name might be funny, but the flavor is bound to stun you. Dongo Dongo is not the main course but something you can consume as an appetizer. It is a soup dish created with okra as the major ingredient.
You can find tons of variations of this dish in Africa; some might come with fish, while others can come with meat as well. The soup has a pretty thick consistency, resulting in your feeling pretty satiated. Unlike traditional soups, this one has spices and is usually eaten with fufu or rice.
- Fufu
Another classic Congolese cuisine is fufu, which is served with various sauces. Most of Africa’s central and western regions, in particular, rely heavily on fufu as a staple food.
To define this Congolese meal, it has a consistency quite similar to porridge and is often eaten with yams and cassavas. The mixture is divided into tiny pieces to form the patties and crushed to a fine paste.